...triathlete, paraglider pilot, ultra runner, Spartan, rock climber, and adventure racer.
Focused on optimizing my nutrition to maximize my athletic potential.
Faster in my 40s than I was in my 20s!
Dawn - Sometimes An Ultrarunner

July 12, 2013
NOLS Outdoor Educator Backpacking Course
I'm headed off for a another adventure with the National Outdoor Leadership School. This time it is a backpacking and rock climbing course in the Wind River range near Lander, Wyoming. I'll be off the grid now for a few weeks, but hope to come back with lots of stories and photos. This will be the longest backpacking trip I've ever taken so should be a blast!
July 11, 2013
Red Bull X-Alps 2013
The most amazing competition in the paragliding world is happening right now. 31 athletes are racing 1000 kilometers across the Alps from Austria to Monaco. If they can't fly, they hike. When they get too tired to hike, they keep hiking...or hope to get a break and launch again! Everyone hopes to be the first one to land off the coast of Monaco, in 16 days or less.
The race only takes place every two years, and this is the sixth edition. It seems to just keep getting longer, and harder. although there are mandatory rest periods at night so at least the tired athletes get to sleep!
Follow the competition here. Every athlete carries a live tracking device so you can see them flying in real time. Watch out, you may get addicted! http://www.redbullxalps.com/live-tracking.html
And for the record, someday I want to participate in the X-Alps. I love the idea of such a challenge. Is this a pipe dream? Maybe...but look for my entry in a couple of years.... :)
The race only takes place every two years, and this is the sixth edition. It seems to just keep getting longer, and harder. although there are mandatory rest periods at night so at least the tired athletes get to sleep!
Follow the competition here. Every athlete carries a live tracking device so you can see them flying in real time. Watch out, you may get addicted! http://www.redbullxalps.com/live-tracking.html
And for the record, someday I want to participate in the X-Alps. I love the idea of such a challenge. Is this a pipe dream? Maybe...but look for my entry in a couple of years.... :)
July 10, 2013
Time Lapse Video from NOLS Wilderness EMT Course
Last month I was up in Lander, Wyoming for a month-long wilderness EMT course, through NOLS and the Wilderness Medicine Institute. While I'm not sure if I want to actually work on an ambulance (I can imagine myself fainting), I do think it's great training in case the unexpected happens out in the backcountry.
Here's a video I made of some of the time-lapse photos I took while in the course. There were such great skies I could help but shoot the clouds!
Here's a video I made of some of the time-lapse photos I took while in the course. There were such great skies I could help but shoot the clouds!
July 8, 2013
Crater Lake NP and Garfield Peak Trail

We were on the road for my birthday, so my present was this beautiful view on a gorgeous sunny day overlooking Crater Lake in Oregon. After a week of paragliding competitions I was feeling a little tired, so we picked a nice but not too strenuous hike up to Garfield Peak overlooking the rim of the lake. If you can call Crater Lake, a lake. After all, it's the deepest lake in the United States, and turns this really amazing deep shade of blue when the sun shines on the water.
It was amazingly hot even in the morning as we climbed to the top. There was some record breaking heat in the West this week, and rather than shiver while staring at the lake (which is normal) we sweltered in minimal clothing while sledding down the leftover snowdrifts. Supposedly, Crater Lake gets 45 feet of snow every winter. 45 FEET! That's rather insane, and no wonder there were a few roads still closed in July from snowdrifts.
The out-and-back trail up to the Peak is only just over 3 miles, so a couple of nice hours of hiking before the car lured us back for some cold drinks in our cooler and a little AC. Let me just say, that I love the heat...I've missed out on feeling really summer for a few years while living in the UK. Bring on the sunshine and sweltering!
July 7, 2013
Prairie Creek Redwoods and Fern Canyon
So instead of boo-hooing about the rain, we drive out to the Oregon coast, where rain and fog are sort of normal anyway, although the downpours did try and test our resolve. We did some sight-seeing and hiking on the coast and in the redwoods. The rain sort of petered out on the last afternoon, and we got in a nice long hike in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, on the northern California coast.
The trail was amazing, winding up and down and around fallen tree limbs, while relentlessly also heading towards the distant ocean (which we couldn't see or hear until we were really close to it). The wide trail made us look really small, especially when compared to the trees. Our camera couldn't really capture the largeness of our surroundings with out the perspective of our tiny selves in the photo...otherwise it just looked like a normal forest. Until you notice the little person way at the bottom.
At the end of the canyon were the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean. And a couple of tame looking elk, which paid us no mind as we hiked by them. We stopped for a picnic near the beach, although the water was still far away from us.
We were feeling kinda lazy and almost considered begging a ride back around the grove to our car, but in the end hoofed it back through the redwoods again. Which of course were amazing and worth every tired step to walk through again. The return route was more on the ridge, but honestly most of the time the trail was so curvy and twisty that I had no idea where we were or which direction we were heading in the quiet trees. I just trusted the trail signs to get us back to the trailhead again. If I had stepped off the trail without marking the direction I had come from, the whole forest was so featureless that we might still be lost out there wondering where we were. (Yes, mom, I had a compass in my bag just in case!)
July 6, 2013
Rat Race Paragliding Competition: Task #3
Our third task seemed tough. Up and over the hills to the south, then back to launch and over to a landing at Longsword Winery. Everyone wanted to land there because a free glass of wine always sounds enticing after a nice flight!
The Race group took off first as usual for their longer task. They formed a beautiful gaggle in a thermal overhead, circling like vultures over a particularly tasty morsel. When the start gate opened for them, they streamed out in a line on their way to a stellar flight.
Since I had height to play with, it gave me time to go fly around a little more without any stress. Then I celebrated with about 40 deep spiral turns, which is the best part of paragliding (for me, anyway). Landing at the winery was a busy place, with wings balled up all over the place and the hot sun beating down. Everyone was ecstatic that they had made goal, many of them like me, for the first time ever in a competition.
The final awards ceremony was that evening. I was happy to come third again for the day in the women's category. Even more awesome, I came in second overall in the Sprint Women's category! (For those of you who are slightly confused by how I placed higher in the overall than I ever did on a single day, there is only one word for it: consistency. A few of the women who beat me must have done really well on one day, and then not so well the other days.) Although the woman in first place, Julie Spiegler, made goal and came first every day, beating me by a country mile. The prizes were some really beautiful glass vases, very cool!
The last days results and the overall RESULTS ARE HERE.
Landing at the Winery |
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