Dawn - Sometimes An Ultrarunner

Dawn - Sometimes An Ultrarunner

September 23, 2023

Dawn's Nutrition Guide - Updated September 2023

What does this have to do with Ultrarunning?  Well it's hard to have a great run if you aren't feeling your best, and it's hard to feel your best if you haven't optimized your nutrients.  

Want some help figuring out what you need?  I do consultations at vigeohealth.net

Dawn’s Nutrition Guide:                                                                                     Version 7 Updated September 2023


Here’s where I should tell you that I’m not a doctor, and that you should consult one before changing any supplements.   I’m not going to do that.  First of all, it’s bogus.  Most vitamins and minerals, if taken as directed by the label, are incredibly safe.   Second, most doctors have had literally ZERO training in how to use nutrition, foods, and supplements to get back to optimal health.   Third, the search engines you use to try and find good information on foods and supplements are skewed towards helping big pharma distribute drugs and keep you sick.  I’m just trying to compile some information and websites where you can get better information and take care of yourself.


Life isn't about surviving.  It's about thriving.  Yes, you can live without supplements, but can you live your best life?   Don't expect instant changes from adding vitamins and minerals, but you should see improvements over weeks and months.  I recommend trying something for a couple of months and then reevaluating your health.   Keep in mind that my recommendations are weighted by how much they have helped me, my family, and friends.  There might be amazing things out there that I haven’t come across yet.   Conversely, I might apply more importance to something than I should, because it seems to have helped me.  


If you find yourself emulating a first-year medical student in thinking they have every health problem listed below (you know who you are, hypochondriacs!), don’t worry.  For the most part, these supplements are safe to take, whether they end up helping you with a particular problem or not.  The worst harm might be to your pocketbook!   As you research, take note of whether something is fat-or water-soluble.  Water soluble vitamins like Vitamin C are in and out of your body quickly.   Fat soluble vitamins like D are stored until they are used.  In most cases, safe levels of nutrients are much higher than anything a bottle of supplements would tell you to take in a normal dose. 


 I usually start a supplement by taking it at the recommended dose for the first bottle, then as nutrient levels get back to optimal, I take things less often.  The first month of supplements might seem expensive but then you taper off a little and it’s not so hard on the wallet.   It can all be overwhelming!  Add new supplements in slowly, so that you can isolate whether something is helping or causing problems. Keep a journal of when you start/stop new things and try to correlate it with sleep/energy/injuries/etc. Timing of some supplements is important, and I’ve made notes of the ones that that should be taken specifically at a time of day.  Using a sleep tracker like the Oura Ring or Whoop or Apple watch might help you figure out if supplements are helping or hurting your sleep.  


I’m writing and sharing this guide because the search engines and drug companies have conspired to suppress most of the websites that share information of this type.  discussion about natural & inexpensive health remedies to cuts into the profit margins of expensive, unnecessary drugs.  Many of the health blogs which I follow have complained that in the last couple of years their views have been cut by 90%, as the search engines direct searches elsewhere.   Dr. Mercola, in particular, has been harassed and threatened so much that he actually took his amazing website down.   However, there are very informative groups on Facebook about many health problems and/or supplements.  They won’t give you a doctor’s advice, but they will share the treatments they used on themselves and their own experiences.    Boron, Copper, Iodine, Chlorine Dioxide, Fasting, Parasites, and Keto are just a few of the group topics with great info on Facebook. 


I won’t promise any sort of comprehensive guide here, but it will give you links to further reading so that you can do more research.  Aging is just the slow decline of nutrients in your body…if you can keep your nutrient levels high, then your aging process slows down noticeably.  


This is a great little documentary about the importance of vitamins.  Watch this first and everything below will make more sense!


https://thatvitaminmovie.com/ movie/freescreening


-Organ Supplement: Forget multivitamins, and go for organ supplements.  These contain all the nutrients and minerals you need aside from Vitamin C, plus they have the magic ingredient: peptides.  If you don't know what peptides are, check our peptide page which explains why the are so amazing and how they can help you.


-Liver and Organs:  Eating the actual organ meat is better than taking a multivitamin.  With the rare exception of Vitamin C, liver contains all the nutrients we need to thrive.  Amazing.  Just one serving of liver provides the nutrients of a whole weeks' worth of salad.  Go eat some liver and onions.  Liverwurst and Braunschweiger, too!  Or, try some desiccated liver chips, which are slightly more palatable.    Don't forget the other organs as well...your ancestors stayed healthy by eating the whole animals, not just the muscle meat in a steak.



-Trace Minerals: Over 90% of people have excess calcium in their bodies.  You have probably heard the slogan “Got Milk?”   You also probably have absorbed the concept that bones contain calcium from this catchy ad campaign (paid for by the dairy council!).  What you may not realize is that bones contain 12 major minerals, along with more than 60 other trace minerals.   Calcium is perhaps the one thing that we almost always get enough of in food, whether we eat a lot of dairy or not. 


When minerals are out of balance or there is a shortage, the body must choose which functions to prioritize.  It may not be a surprise to hear that the body will always choose to prioritize the functions which keep you alive!  However, the non-optimized parts which now aren’t working can leave you feeling less than optimal.


·    Excess calcium leads to a deficit in magnesium and suppresses the adrenal gland.

·    Adrenal gland malfunction leads to a loss of sodium and potassium in urine.

·    Low potassium leads to thyroid problems and slow metabolism.

·    Low sodium leads to low stomach acid, heartburn and digestive issues.

·    Low stomach acid leads to less ability to digest protein and essential amino acids.

·    Low sodium also suppresses the cells’ ability to absorb amino acids and glucose

·    Cells are starved for glucose and amino acids, leading to cravings and increased food intake. 

·    Fat cells are the only places where glucose can be absorbed without sodium, leading to weight gain. 


Excess calcium and mineral imbalances cause multiple health problems, including obesity, heart disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, anxiety, migraines, depression, dementia, and hypertension.  However, it turns out that sea water contains all the trace minerals in just the right ratios that we need in our bodies.   Isn’t our creator amazing?!  




-Vitamin C: C is just amazing for everything. Use it to bowel tolerance to avoid taking antibiotics and to get over colds faster. Liposomal forms are as good as getting C in an IV! Take 3-10 grams a day of normal vitamin C, or up to 6 grams of Liposomal Vitamin C.  I buy large bottles of it 1000 mg per capsule at the Vitamin Shoppe or Costco.  Cheap versions are fine for this vitamin.   It’s water soluble so divided doses over a day is better than one large dose.  Vitamin C can be taken safely at much higher doses than recommended on the bottle.




-Vitamin D3: Most people are deficient in D especially in the winter. I take 10,000 IU a day most days, and if I’m around someone who is sick, I bump it up to 50,000 IU a day for a few days. Although it is fat-soluble it takes waaaaay more than that to cause toxicity problems. If you are worried about your immune system and COVID, which seems to hit the hardest if you are overweight and/or have (pre)diabetes, take Vitamin D2 + K3 at 10,000 IU a day, plus a couple GRAMS of vitamin C.    Take Vitamin D3 ONLY in the morning, D can affect sleep when taken too late in the day as it affects cortisol levels.  D3, K2, Magnesium and Calcium all work together synergistically so need to be taken in balance.   High levels of Vit D have been shown to be capable of healing old injuries and perform many important functions.  Sunshine is often not enough.




-Vitamin K2:  Vitamin K2 carries Calcium around the body, and if there is not enough K2, Calcium gets deposited where it shouldn’t, such as in your arteries and the plaque behind your teeth.  I’m convinced that lack of Vitamin K2 is a hidden factor in heart attacks.   It can also help prevent kidney stones.  

Take with cofactors Vitamin D and Magnesium.




-Iodine:   Iodine is critically important to the Thyroid gland as well as the stomach and ovaries.  If you are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (hypothyroidism) it’s likely that a shortage of iodine is causing these issues.  Iodine deficiency can include constipation, low energy, cold hands and feet, skin issues and a multitude of other symptoms (do a Google search for hypothyroid symptoms). In our toxic world, an excess of Bromine can stand in for Iodine (they are both Halides in the Periodic Table) and when this happens your hormones won’t function correctly.  In the podcast below, Dr. Brownstein states that 75% of the blood tests of his new patients indicated they needed Thyroid hormones.  When he tested them for Iodine deficiency, 96% of his patients were severely low on iodine. When he had them supplement with iodine, some of those patients no longer needed Thyroid hormones.  Tread carefully here.  Large doses of iodine may cause temporary goiter symptoms as the Thyroid quickly expands to soak in Iodine and get rid of Bromine (like a dry sponge soaking up water).   It is recommended to start companion supplements a week before iodine to help chelate Bromine from the body, including Vitamin C, Selenium, Magnesium, B Complex, and Salt.  Take Iodine supplements away from food and other supplements. See the Iodine Truth Group on Facebook for more info on dosing.  Yes, these supplements have 100x the RDA of iodine in them.  The RDA was written just to prevent goiter… we want to optimize our health, not just be barely alive!  The body can hold 1500 mg of Iodine at a time, and Japanese women (who have the lowest incidence of recorded thyroid problems) get 12 mg a day on average.  Correcting a hypothyroid deficiency may also help with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.   If you take blood pressure meds, as you supplement with iodine, monitor and reduce your meds accordingly.




https://www.amazon.com/Carlyle-Lugols-Percent-Potassium-Solution/dp/B07C2KTNSM   1 drop is 2.5 mg





-Copper: Benefits:  Too many to fit on this page.  Helps chelate heavy metals like fluoride.  Helps with energy and brain fog.  Helps with nerve pain, numbness, tingling, peripheral neuropathy.  Helps prevent DOMS after hard workouts for athletes.   Prevents nausea.  Helps with morning sickness during pregnancy.   Helps with histamine and allergic reactions.   Boosts immune system.   Helps balance iron and prevent anemia.

Important! Copper needs cofactors! You cannot just take copper on its own for more than a week or two without adding  Zinc, Vitamin C, Magnesium, B Vitamins,  etc.   Ask VIGEO for a more detailed breakdown of nutrient cofactors.   If you are getting grey fingernails, then you need more zinc to balance out your copper intake.   

Tablets: https://www.amazon.com/Swanson-Antioxidant-Support-Mineral-Supplement/dp/B00068TSEK

Liquid:  Copper Sulfate crystals dissolved in water.   Get a years' supply from VIGEO for $40.


-Alpha Lipoic Acid:   Most people in the US have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) disease.  It’s one of the most pervasive underlying causes of other problems like heart disease and cancer.   The liver actually expands inside the body as it tries to deal with all of the junk food, processed foods and toxins, etc.  It’s part of the reason why you see big abdomens even on thinner people.   Luckily there is something you can do about it.  I would recommend an herbal Liver Support complex, as well as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) which works wonders at helping the liver and reducing belly fat.  If you take ALA, take a B Vitamin Complex occasionally (only in the morning as it can keep you awake if taken at night) or a multivitamin.  One bottle once or twice a year should be enough to effect change.






-B Complex:  If you feel overly tired too often, a B Complex might pep you up. Especially important if you’ve drunk a lot of alcohol in your life or been a smoker.  Make sure it says FOLATE rather than Folic Acid. Take these only in the morning as they can affect cortisol and sleep if taken later in the day. Use intermittently after a while if you think they are overstimulating and affecting your sleep.    If you use a multivitamin or eat liver, you might skip this one.  If you have a history of smoking or alcohol, then consider adding a sublingual B12 supplement as well.




-Magnesium: 90% of people are deficient in this vitamin and it can affect sleep and cause muscle cramps. There are 20 versions of magnesium and most of them give you diarrhea or just don’t aren’t very digestible.   Look for the Glycinate, Threonate, Malate or Mag w/SRT forms to avoid that problem and consider a combination of multiple forms to target many organs at once.  Yet a proper for of magnesium is amazing for sleep, energy, skin, heart issues, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, anxiety, digestion, depression, headaches, IBS, neve problems, and Raynaud’s, among other things. Take these at night as they usually help with sleep.








-Modified Citrus Pectin:   Your fight or flight response is supposed to kick in when you get chased by a moose.  But in our digital world, our body can get stuck in a cycle of overreaction caused by never-ending text messages, driving in traffic, and high-stress lifestyles.   The underlying cause of this is an overproduction of Galactin-5.   It can also kick in overdrive due to Lyme disease, parasites, toxins, or mold.   Modified Citrus Pectin fills the receptors that Galactin-5 usually fill and stops the cycle of fight or flight.  Modified Citrus Pectin needs to have a low molecular weight to be biologically effective.   It is available under the name brand Pectasol in powder, chewable or capsules.  You can start out by taking up to 15 grams a day in divided doses on an empty stomach.  After a while, the maintenance dose is 5 grams.  






-Fermented Cod Liver Oil or Fish Oil:  If you don't eat Sardines or Wild Salmon often, most people get too many bad Omega-6 vegetable oils in their diet and not enough good Omega-3.  Fish oils can help balance that out. Look for something with high DHA, that’s the best of the stuff contained in fish oil.   If you start getting nosebleeds or bruising then discontinue, Fish Oil is a potent blood thinner.


https://www.amazon.com/BLUE- Fermented-Liver-Non-Gelatin- Capsules/dp/B002LZYPS0




-Niacin:  If you or anyone you know struggles with depression, alcoholism, bipolar, PTSD, brain fog, etc. then Niacin is a huge part of the answer. Depression is sometimes a deficiency of micronutrients in the body, and niacin is a common problem.  The trick is to take enough niacin to make a difference.  500 mg is a maintenance dose but with depression you could take 3-4 grams a day in divided doses.  You might see a change after a couple of weeks of high dose with depression, but full recovery might be several months.  Also, niacin causes a flush which is why I recommend specifically INOSITOL HEXANICOTINATE, it's flush free.  There’s a book listed below which is essential to learn more about Niacin if you know someone who needs it.  Niacin is also good for preventing cataracts.  






-Apple Pectin:  There’s a reason why the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” has survived the test of time.  The pectin found in apples and several other fruits has the ability to detox heavy metals quickly.   In fact, dosing with apple pectin removed 75% of the radiation from victims of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in just 5 weeks.  It is also helps with digestion, regulating blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, and fighting cancer.   




Kidney (Selenium): Selenium is a trace element essential for thyroid and metabolism health.   Kidney provides high amounts of selenium as well as peptides and cofactors, and has been good for alleviating all sorts of allergy symptoms. Correcting a deficiency might also help with asthma, prostate problems, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and Multiple sclerosis.  Even if you eat Brazil nuts a couple times a week, you may not be getting enough selenium.   



-Zinc, Quercitin, Resveratrol, Fisetin, and Spermidine:  If it’s winter, you’ve been around someone who’s sick, or you want to bump up your immune system, Zinc is a powerhouse, and Quercitin helps Zinc enter cells more easily.  Resveratrol and Spermidine are effect against symptoms of long Cov1d.  These combos can also help with allergies, inflammation, and viruses.   Add Copper if you take Zinc.






-Colostrum: Colostrum is the first milk produced by a mother after having a baby.  It is what helps a child develop a robust stomach culture and gut bacteria, plus coats the stomach to help with digestion.   For healing and repairing intestinal issues, this can be amazing.  Check out the article below for more info. I use bovine or goat colostrum before and during my long races for a happy tummy. 








-Betadine HCL Pepsin:  Acid Reflux or heartburn much?  It’s possible that you have too little acid in your stomach rather than too much.  Too little stomach acid impairs digestion of many nutrients including iron, and make food sit in your stomach longer, which can be uncomfortable.  Put the chalky antacids back in the box and try adding some Pepsin and enzymes instead.




-BPC-157 Peptide:  Body Protective Complex 157 is an oral peptide which helps the stomach and digestive system regain optimal flow.  Peptides are chains of amino acids which link together to become proteins.  I recommend taking one capsule a day for a week, then one or two a month thereafter, or whenever you feel like you need a digestive reset.  I personally take them before and during my long races as they keep my stomach feeling happy.   More than anything else I have recommended to people, BPC-157 has had noticeable, beneficial effects.  Peptides are amazing and come in many more forms, Ben Greenfield has some great information about it linked below.  Buy from VIGEO Health for $90 if you have trouble paying with Bitcoin through the link below.






-Creatine:  Bodybuilders have known of the muscle building power of creatine for a long time.  It also helps with cognition, muscle repair, age-related bone and muscle loss, testosterone production, and heart health.  But there is no benefit to the old-style method of cycling large amounts, instead take up to 5 grams each day, preferably in two doses.    This is a cheap supplement available everywhere sold in various powders, capsules, etc.  






-Digestive Enzymes:   That bloated feeling after a big meal when food sits in your stomach for too long.  If bloating and acid reflux are a problem, then you might be short on the enzymes in your stomach which digest the food you eat.   Also, enzymes, if taken on an empty stomach (so not needed for digestion) help to heal the body and minimize scars, etc.   You will notice the high price on the link below, but also notice that these are much more powerful than a normal enzyme bottle.  When it comes to enzymes, the more the better.  The creator of this brand said he took 2000 of these pills in one day to make sure there were no ill effects.  Turns out the only side effect was that all the scars on his body got less noticeable!   Take some before or after a big meal to help an upset stomach.   If gluten is a special problem, they sell gluten enzymes too.   Supposedly Celiacs can take those and tolerate a wheat a little.  




-Phosphatidylcholine:   Ever walked into a room and then wondered why you were there?  Brain fog, or the inability to remember very short-term things, is a real problem for a lot of people.  The good news is there’s something you can do about it.  Phosphatidylcholine is a lipid making up a key part of our cell membranes.  Supplementing with it could be a potent brain booster, as well as having good benefits for your gut and for your eyesight.  The brain is mostly fats (lipids) after all!




-Mushrooms:  Mushrooms can be powerful immune system boosters and are also good for cognitive ability.   Paul Stamets is a mushroom expert and has amazing books on the subject if you want further reading.   Mushrooms also give foods that hearty, umami flavor.   A mix of mushroom powder added to soups or stews is a great way to combine flavor and nutrients.  








-C0Q10:  If you are taking statins, you NEED to supplement C0Q10.   Also please reconsider the need for statins at all.   Side effects of statins include muscle pain, nausea, organ damage and increased blood sugar.  Hey, your body needs cholesterol to function properly.  Really.  Do some research.  Anyway, C0Q10 can help with your mitochondrial health.   The mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells, and stronger mitochondria make your cells function more effectively.  C0Q10 may also help with healthy fingernails and skin.   If you take regular C0Q10, take it with some dietary fat to help with absorption.  If you go with MitoQ, their research says just take it on an empty stomach.






-GLC2000: Glucosamine and chondroitin are important for the health and repair of joints, ligaments, bone and cartilage.   These ingredients help protect against arthritis and connective tissue problems.  My highest praise for these supplements?  I give them to my dog (along with a multivitamin of course). 




-Borax:  20 Mule Team Borax Laundry detergent for arthritis?   Yes!  Borax is just the element Boron with some fancy advertising.  And in tiny doses, Boron is essential for joint health and can prevent and cure joint issues including Rheumatoid Arthritis.  There’s even a Facebook group which talks about how great Borax works for Arthritis.  Well, what they mostly do is talk people off the ledge who are afraid of eating laundry detergent!  Don’t be that person.  Repeat after me:  Boron is an element. Boron has good antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties, and is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls. Boron has the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this, boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid.  Join the FB group and read the files, very informative.  Take 1/8 – 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a glass of water a few days a week in the morning.  Less if you are a small person.  Don’t buy expensive supplements for this, a box of Borax will last you for years.  The rest of it will help clean your laundry and keep the bugs out of your house too.





-GABA: Trouble falling asleep?  If this is a regular occurrence, you might look at excess caffeine intake, low adrenals, Magnesium insufficiency, or too much Vitamin B as a culprit.   For the occasional night where I’m awake longer than usual, I get up and take a mix of GABA, L-Theanine, and 5-HTP.   This never fails to put me out within ½ hour.  I might only take this once a month but when I need it, it works.   I say the same thing for the Doc Parsley mix linked below as well.








-Nicotine:  Unlike cigarettes, which can have up to 7000 different carcinogens, nicotine alone has many health benefits, including for your brain.   Getting nicotine via patches or gum, rather than an instant cigarette hit, slows down the absorption to almost 20 minutes, making it less addicting.   Addictive personalities beware, it can still be habit forming!  Use sparingly, and only in the morning.  I chew 2mg gum, which is a tiny amount compared to a cigarette, but it’s good for long drives to stay awake, or a burst of creativity.






-Salt:  The war on salt by the government might have caused more harm than good for many people.  Salt is an essential nutrient, not a condiment.  The salt in your body is recycled many times over by your kidneys, meaning that they process 3 POUNDS of salt every day.  Whether you eat an extra teaspoon of salt in a day, is a drop in a bucket compared to that.   Salt DOES NOT affect high blood pressure.  Restricting salt can make blood sugar regulation worse, as well as cause dizziness, dehydration, weight gain, low blood pressure and cognitive impairment.  By all means, add salt to your food, but use only sea salt or other UNREFINED salt.  Redmond Salt is mined in Utah and has lots of other minerals as well.  If salt tastes good to you, then your body is telling you that you need more of it.  Alternatively, drink LMNT or just add some sea salt to a glass of lemon water.  If you take in too much, you will excrete it, so it’s not dangerous.  If you are preparing to take iodine or feel like you are detoxing from heavy metals or other problems, consider salt loading for a week.   ¼ - ½ teaspoon salt dissolved in warm water with 12 ounces of cool water after.    See Iodine section for more info. 



-Fat:  Fat is an essential nutrient.  Our brains need fat and cholesterol to have optimal health.   If fat is taken out of foods, that food space is usually refilled with chemicals and sugars.   Sugar is NOT essential to our body, but fat is.  If you don’t eat fat for a while, you can cause harm to your body.  The gallbladder stores bile which is produced in our bile ducts.  When you eat a fatty meal, bile is released to help digest that fat.   Eating fat regularly helps our gallbladder and bile ducts work properly.   Low-fat diets reduce the use of bile, leading to gallbladder stones, digestion problems, and if it gets bad enough, gallbladder removal.   Keep all your essential body parts intact by eating healthy animal fats and avoiding fake “I can’t believe it’s not butter” and vegetable oil fats.  


-Essential Amino Acids:  Amino acids are the building blocks of making proteins, which is what we use to repair our muscles and cells.  Did you know that you only digest about 49% of the protein in an egg?  33% of protein in meat?  3-17% of protein in those protein shakes?  The rest is either converted to sugar or excreted.  If you are eating a lot of protein but still not getting enough, this is the “Protein in a Pill”.  Scientists have cracked the code on the perfect ratio of each of the 9 essential amino acids needed in the human body.    Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) are 99% digestible, meaning that they are almost perfectly usable.  I use them when my muscles are sore, plus before and during races.  












-Collagen, Bone Broth and Gelatin:  Unless you eat nose to tail of the animals that provide you your meat, you are missing out on the most important parts for good health.   Animal bones and ligaments provide the ingredients which help our own joints, skin and bones stay healthy.   If you don’t want to gnaw the end of a chicken leg, then bone broth and collagen powder can help retain healthy skin, prevent strains and sprains, and give us the raw materials to heal ourselves.   Add these to soups or hot teas.   Gelatin (Jello) eaten 1/2 hour before physical therapy, or a hard workout, can help heal ligaments too.  Bring on the green jello!  Make your own bone broth at home, too.







-Hormones:   As we age past our 30s and beyond, hormone production in the body goes down.   Hormones include Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogens, Growth Hormone, Pregnenolone, Hydrocortisone, and Adrenals.

 -Testosterone:  Whether you are male or female, your grandparents had better levels of testosterone than you do today.  We live in a toxin-filled world, which makes it hard to get the nutrients we need at the right dosages.   Testosterone helps with energy levels, sleep regulation, muscle and strength gains, fat loss, etc.  It is available by prescription in a cream that is applied daily.  Your doctor would need to do blood tests to determine the amount you need.   Keep in mind that once you start taking this externally, your body stops producing as much internally, so it needs to be a long-term commitment.  Obviously, women need a tiny dose compared to men, but it can still have great benefits.


-Adrenals: If you are extra tired in the morning, come awake in the evening, and can’t stop snacking at night, you might have an adrenal imbalance.   We live in a high stress world, and this can wreak havoc with our cortisol levels.    Supplements which might help include porcine adrenals, adaptogenic herbs and a multivitamin.   Adrenal supplements should be taken only in the morning.   Alternatively, you might think about adding more unrefined sea salt to your diet, as a lack of salt can cause adrenal and hormone problems.   Iodine might also be a deficiency that affects the adrenals.  See the salt and iodine paragraphs for more info.  







-Melatonin: Trouble staying asleep?   Do you always wake up at the same time?  If so, check the chart below and make a change.  If you are a restless sleeper, try melatonin.   The nice part about the hormone melatonin is that the body makes it in a positive feedback loop.  This means that if you supplement it, the body does not stop production of melatonin.  This means you can take a large dose without worrying that it will affect a future night’s sleep.  

In Chinese medicine, qi is the energy that flows throughout our organs and creates balance. Each internal part of the body experiences active qi flow at different times during the night:  https://campbellmedicalclinic.com/chinese-medicine-explains-why-you-wake-up-at-the-same-time-every-night/

  • 9 pm to 11 pm: The “triple burner,” or endocrine and lymphatic systems, is active. If these systems are out of balance, you might feel unhappy or depressed. Create a more relaxing bedtime routine so you can wait up feeling refreshed in the morning.
  • 11 pm to 1 am: The gall bladder is active. An imbalance might cause feelings of uncertainty and poor judgement. You may need to avoid alcohol or fatty foods and eat only a light snack before bed.
  • 1 am to 3 am: The liver is busy detoxifying our bodies and processing the emotions of the day. You might feel irritable or experience headaches when awake. If you consistently wake up at this time, you may have had too much alcohol or unhealthy food the night before, or you might be facing unresolved frustrations. Find healthier ways to deal with stress, like breathing exercises and detoxification treatments.
  • 3 am to 5 am: The lungs are active. You may feel sadness or have shallow breathing if your lungs are out of balance. Practice activating the vagus nerve before bed with breathing exercises and take some time to process your emotions with a trusted friend.
  • 5 am to 7 am: The large intestine is active. If it’s out of balance, you may feel defensive or stuck in a situation. If you’re frustrated about waking up before your alarm clock sounds, you may need more fiber or water in your diet so your large intestine can properly eliminate waste.





-Eye Health:

Vitamin C, Vitamin E (tocotrienols), beta carotenes, niacin, DHA, EPA, B Vitamins, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, selenium

-Constipation: The first rule of digestion is never to get constipated.  Long term constipation might be a side effect of low iodine and copper, see Iodine and Copper sections. Chronic constipation can cause hemorrhoids, impaction, leaky gut, and just isn’t fun.  To prevent this, you can try several things.   First is drinking enough liquids and eating regular foods.  Your digestive bacteria increase and multiply according to your eating habits.  When you eat something new or strange, you may not have as much ability to digest the new food as quickly as your normal ones.  Bread and high-starch vegetables can definitely slow you down in that way, and high-fiber vegetables can sometimes cause the same problem.  Or maybe you aren’t eating enough fat consistently to keep the bile moving through your gallbladder, leading to lack of bile in your stomach to digest high-fat meals.  Second, try digestive enzymes, colostrum and/or a couple extra grams of Vitamin C, taken multiple times throughout the day.   Third, add some SloMag or more Vitamin C before bed.  Remember when I said there were forms of Magnesium that would give loose stools?   Magnesium Chloride is one of those, and if taken at bedtime, can help with regular bowels.   Fourth, some form of an herbal complex (like Dr. Schulze’s listed below) could be a consistent, long-term solution that doesn’t include harsh laxatives.




-Got the Jab?:   Feeling some side effects?  The FLCCC website has some guidelines for how to detox from vaccines.   These include low-dose Naltrexone (LDN), Ivermectin, Melatonin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3/K2.   I would also include Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) in that list.   MCP blocks the spike proteins the same way it blocks Galactin-5 to stop the “fight or flight” response.   See the Modified Citrus Pectin section for more info.  



-Glycine and Salt: James DiNicolantonio has a couple of good books out there, including one on how important salt is to our health.  In this podcast, he talks about using Glycine with Salt before a big race or exercise session to boost blood plasma levels.   The glycine helps us retain the salt better inside our body to prevent a bathroom emergency.   The salt raising blood plasma levels, can achieve up to 20 minutes longer duration of exercise at a higher effort level.  Need help?  Come talk to us at VIGEO Health to see if this is right for you.




-Bromantane: This is an exciting Nootropic which can help with physical and mental performance, brain function, immune health, and overall energy.   It was developed by Russia in the 1980s to give soldiers more stamina and energy for long days of training.   Bromantane is an actoprotector, meaning it is a class of compound which can boost physical activity, especially under extreme physical conditions.

Sorry, WADA athletes, but Bromantane is actually a banned substance for you because it actually does do the things it claims to do, which is provide an unfair advantage in races.  

The effects of Bromantane can last up to 11 hours, so it should be taken in the morning.   Ask us about getting a sample to see if you can benefit!



-Nicotene: Unlike cigarettes, which can have up to 7000 different carcinogens, nicotine alone has many health benefits, including for your brain.   Getting nicotine via patches or gum, rather than an instant cigarette hit, slows down the absorption to almost 20 minutes, making it less addicting.   Addictive personalities beware, it can still be habit forming!  Use sparingly, and only in the morning or early afternoon.  I chew 2mg gum, which is a tiny amount compared to a cigarette, but it’s good for long drives to stay awake, or a burst of creativity.






-Kava: Kava is a drink which originated in the South Pacific, and been used there socially for centuries.  In fact there are probably more Kava bars than alcohol bars still today.  In larger doses, Kava can provide a slightly euphoric effect, yet it is not addictive and much safe than alcohol.  It can also be used to boost energy, improve athletic performance, and help with relaxation.   Ben Greenfield has several podcasts about Kava.  Buy pre-made drinks, or brew your own like a native.   I like to add a bit of heavy cream and stevia to cut the bitter flavor when sipping it with friends.  




-Exogenous Ketones: The Keto diet has made Ketones into a household word.   Yet the ability to buy liquid exogenous ketones has just been available in that last couple of years.   Those first products cost more than $30,000 each...lucky for us, the cost is now less than a cup of coffee.   Ketones can help with fasting, energy, brain health, and exercise.  With liquid ketones, your body can actually use two different fuels at the same time, ketones and glucose.   They taste pretty bad, but it's worth the grimace to check them out.



-OURA Ring: This might be one of the few recommendations we give that you can't eat or drink!  The Oura Ring is a sophisticated measurement system, yet the technology fits into a ring and connects with an app on your phone.  It tracks sleep, exercise, heart rate, breaths per minute, body temperature, and heart rate variability, etc.  Dawn was wearing hers before and after getting a tooth pulled, and noticed that her breaths per minute while sleeping declined from 14 to 13 after the infection in her tooth was removed.    Body temperature will often rise the day before getting sick with a cold or flu, so the Oura Ring can act as an early warning system of immune problems.   Sleep tracking can help determine if that late meal or sleep aid is helping or hurting.    There's usually a $50 off coupon floating around the web if you want to try one of these out.


-Blood Sugar Regulation:   Here’s what happens when you eat a big meal with lots of carbs or sugar.  The glucose content of your blood goes way up.   This, left unchecked, could kill you.  No joke.  Your body, to save your life, produces insulin, which helps usher that glucose into your fat cells.  This safely reduces your blood sugar down to acceptable levels, and the process happens over and over throughout the day while you eat.  Type I Diabetics can’t make insulin, so they must carefully regulate this through an insulin pump.  Type II Diabetics make lots of insulin, but their fat cells don’t want to take it more sugar, so they become insulin resistant.   More and more insulin is then required to force the fat cells to take in sugar.  This is actually really easy to fix.  STOP eating sugar and bread/pasta.   It’s the sugar which makes you fat, and the glucose/insulin cycle is how it happens. 

So.  You gave in and ate that sweet potato.  Life’s not over for you.   There are a few things you can do before, during and after (larger than usual/worse than usual) meals to help reduce the impact on your body.   Fresh-squeezed lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in water with a meal helps reduce blood sugar.  So does a large sprinkle of Ceylon Cinnamon.  Bitter Melon Extract is a great supplement for regulation of blood sugar, too.   You also might try cooking your starches the day before you want to eat it.  Reheating potatoes or rice turns some of the carbohydrates into resistant starch, which doesn’t raise blood sugar.   

If you want to test foods out yourself and see real time impact on blood sugar, consider wearing a glucose monitor.   Unfortunately, it’s still hard to get them without a prescription (senseless, I know) but any doctor should be able to proscribe them to you.  I use a FreeStyle Libre, which connects to an App on my phone.   Occasionally I stick one on the back of my arm and eat odd foods to see what impact they have on my blood sugar.  




The biggest change you can make for good health is to limit your intake of sugar, wheat and processed fake foods.  Replace them with meat (particularly beef), butter, liver, collagen or bone broth, and eggs.   Don’t give up anything bad, just eat less of it.  Consider the 80/20 rule; eat well 80% of the time. Then the rest of the time, don’t feel guilty for enjoying a meal that’s not so good for you.  Eggs and meats will make you feel satisfied.   Consider the carnivore diet if you would like to lose weight, I think it is one of the healthier ways to slim down.  Consider intermittent fasting, or a 1 day fast once a week, or just skip a meal occasionally.   Eat less or less often, but overall keep your calories up, starving yourself will not result in weight loss.  Basically, the takeaways from all good diets including avoiding vegetable oils, fried foods, and sugars, and eating plenty of good fats, veggies, fruits, and other real foods.  People disagree on some details, but really, it's just what works for you and your lifestyle and your body.  


Don't take my word for any of this.   I recommend you take charge of your own health and do some more research.  Just make sure you skip the first few pages of your search engine results…those are the links sponsored by big government and big pharma, both of which seem to want you fat, unhappy, and on lots of drugs.


https://www. naturopathicdoctorutah.com/  


Decision Guide

Baby Steps:  Add new things slowly to help you decide if it’s helping or hurting.


1st Month:  Trace MineralsOrgan SupplementMagnesiumVitamin DVitamin K2Vitamin C

2nd Month:   CopperIodine and cofactors.

3rd Month:  CreatineAlpha Lipoic AcidOmega 3Collagen

Immune Boost:  TA1 Peptide, Vitamin DVitamin CCopperZincQuercitinMushroomsMelatoninSpermidineBromantane

Strength/Power:  Testosterone, DHEA, CreatineEssential Amino AcidsBromantane

Digestive Issues:  ColostrumEnzymesOral BPC-157Apple PectinBetaine HCL Pepsin

Detox:  Copper, Apple PectinOral BPC-157Vitamin CSea SaltIodine

AllergiesKidneyCopperZincOral BPC-157Colostrum

Low Morning Energy:  Trace Minerals, Adrenals, KidneyIodineCopperB ComplexSea SaltMagnesiumBromantane

Brain Fog:  Trace MineralsPhosphatidylcholineNicotineCopperIodine, Testosterone

Joint Issues/Arthritis:  Trace MineralsGLC2000CollagenBone BrothGelatinBoraxCopperIodineMagnesium

SleepTrace MineralsMagnesiumGABAMelatoninL-Theanine, Tryptophan, Creatine, CBD, Ketones, Testosterone

Race Nutrition:  ColostrumOral BPC-157Essential Amino AcidsCreatineNicotine, Caffeine, KetonesKavaBromantane

Post Antibiotics:  ColostrumEnzymesOral BPC-157Vitamin C

Skin: Magnesium, C0Q10CollagenCreatineCopperIodine, GHK-Cu Peptides

Blood Sugar Reduction:  Lemon water, Ceylon Cinnamon, Glucose Monitor, Bitter Melon Extract

The Fun Stuff:  Yes, balancing your nutrients should be a priority.  But sometimes you want to just run faster, feel more energetic, be more creative, or relax with friends.  BromantaneNicotineKavaKetones, Cerebrolysin

Track Your Progress:  It's nice to know you are getting some where, right?   Oura Ring, Dexa Scan, Ketone Breathalyzer


Living on the edge?  Here’s a few less legal options which might be worth considering.
